There is something magical about old buildings. This once served as the fort called Parysow, now Bema. Deserted for many years, the revitalization process began in 2002. The park's surroundings and proximity to the center of Warsaw are conducive to transforming the structure for recreation. Revitalizations are often the only chance to save a monument from falling into ruin. In the city of my birth once forgotten districts are coming back to life. Overlooked and damaged buildings are now filled with people busily scurrying to offices and restaurants. Thousands of lamps illuminate the brick walls in the evenings where the residents find asylum. This is also how I envision the future of Bema's forts. The cleaned brick facades stand out against the background of greenery, complemented by a modern floor contrasting with the rustic structure. Brick and concrete interiors with cradle brick vaults perfectly match the modern revitalized character. The room layout remained unaltered as the functionality of the new design fit into the existing structure. This design shows how humility and respect won over the architect's expression. Construction materials: restoration
Kasia McCloskey, Ola Wagner, Maciej Toporek, Michal Kruszyniak
Hotel With Restaurant aprox 20,000 sf
Warsaw, Poland

+existing condition